UPDATES | What’s New & What’s Coming
Dane & Rob talk about the updates to the Zygon app and what’s coming as well as getting the most out of it.
Special Report | Path of the Everyday Hero
Does your life seem successful, and yet sometimes you have a feeling that it could be more fulfilling? Or is your life working well for you, except in one specific area? Perhaps you ache inside for a meaningful relationship, or your work responsibilities threaten to destroy your personal life. Are you searching for a pursuit that makes life feel worthwhile?
Dane introduces the idea of creating your path based the journey of the Hero. The Path of the Everyday Hero taps into what Joseph Campbell identified as the “instructive power of myth.” By connecting the classic stories to five of life’s most important challenges, you will glean fresh insights for your own ‘hero’s journey.’ (This is an introduction to the complete course which is posted on the ZYGON Mind Power App.)
Pathways | Pick your Path – Optimze Your Zygon Experience
This Podcast introduces the Pathways Self-Direct Coaching System to get the most out of Zygon mind tools and accelerate your personal transformation
Episode 14 | Rags To Riches
Why are some people able to come back from devastating losses and make fortunes. People who don’t just have a set-back but who go through something that totally wipes them out. Is there something going on with the way certain people think (these rags to riches types) and how they approach life and their problems vs people who just crash and burn. Discover the story of one multi-millionaire who walked through a complete loss of everything and how he recovered from it and went on to create even more success.
Episode 13 | Being a Mind Warrior
Understanding what it means to be a Mind Warrior. Embracing the 4 principals of what makes Mind Warriors different than “others.” At its highest level it is like operating as a Jedi knight. How to deal with the petty tyrants in your life. Feeling more alive and being able to tweak your intuition and operate at peak.
Episode 12 | Creating Abundance
Open new doors of opportunity with an amazing mind technology called VISIONEERING. This simple 5-minute a day mind technology will give you an unlimited power to create massive abundance in your life. Here is just a glimpse of what you’ll discover… Why Being Smart May Actually Be a Hindrance To Creating Great Wealth * How The Law of Attraction Works on a Quantum Level * Re-Wiring Your Inner Mind Using The Zygon Mind Tools To Eliminate Self-Sabotage * How Synchronicity Works & Lets You Know You are On The Right Path * Knowing What You Want In Life * The Visioneering Protocol Workshop, and so much more.
Episode 11 | Paradigm Trap
In the Paradigm Trap – Rob and Dane discuss how reality is shaped by our belief systems and how to recognize it and shift it. They explore the current paradigm divide in the USA in a robust discussion of politics and the “new” vaccine paradigm, and how these paradigms are created by the ruling class as means to control and manipulate the behavior of the masses. Once someone becomes aware that their “truth” may not be THE TRUTH they are able to become free. A Mind Warrior is able though awareness to step outside the personal limitations created by that paradigm, and experience a new ‘open mind’ reality.
Episode 10 | Pathways to Higher Consciousness – Part 2
PART 2 of the Ken Keyes Interview – In 1993 Dane did an interview with philosopher and author Ken Keyes whose books ‘Handbook to Higher Consciousness’ and the ‘100th Monkey’ (which sold over 10 million copies) made a huge impact on the world.. This 2-part podcast presents that interview in its entirely – along with commentary from Dane & Rob about what it means today. Ken Keyes was a giant in the personal growth industry who taught the power of love and how we are all damaged as children but we can transform our lives with a simple and effective technique of creating relaxed enjoyment in our lives.
Episode 9 | Pathways to Higher Consciousness – Part 1
In 1993 Dane did an interview with philosopher and author Ken Keyes whose books ‘Handbook to Higher Consciousness’ and the ‘100th Monkey’ (which sold over 10 million copies) made a huge impact on the world.. This 2-part podcast presents that interview in its entirely – along with commentary from Dane & Rob about what it means today. Ken Keyes was a giant in the personal growth industry who taught the power of love and how we are all damaged as children but we can transform our lives with a simple and effective technique of creating relaxed enjoyment in our lives.
Episode 8 | Remote Viewing Secrets
In this special episode Rob and Dane talk about Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) the once top secret spy technology that Dane’s company PSI TECH ushered out of military intelligence in 1989. They get into a detailed discussion about how it works and how the mind is able to access all information remote in time and space and train civilians in this once coveted classified information collection technology.
Episode 7 | Universe is Consciousness – Part 2
Rob and Dane discuss the recent release of THE WAY OF A MIND WARRIOR and how the universe works with mind and human consciousness to attract the reality that you experience. This podcast goes deep and explores not only the universal LAW OF ATTRACTION but how all consciousness is connected and how you and the purpose of the universe are connected. This is a not to be missed episode that pulls in some big ideas that unite physics and religion.
Episode 6 | Universe is Consciousness – Part 1
Rob and Dane discuss the recent release of THE WAY OF A MIND WARRIOR and how the universe works with mind and human consciousness to attract the reality that you experience. This podcast goes deep and explores not only the universal LAW OF ATTRACTION but how all consciousness is connected and how you and the purpose of the universe are connected. This is a not to be missed episode that pulls in some big ideas that unite physics and religion.
Episode 5 | What’s Ahead
Rob the head of ZYGON Product Development discusses with Dane some of ZYGON’s much awaited new projects, what’s in the pipeline and the status of new app developments
Episode 4 | The Zygon Story – Part 3
In Part-3 the conversation goes into detail about the mission, the products the new app and Zygon members role as Mind Warriors in the future.
Episode 3 | The Zygon Story – Part 2
In Part-2 Rob and Dane cover why the government shut down the company over the Learning Machine invention.
Episode 2 | The Zygon Story – Part 1
Rob Interviews Dane about Zygon’s beginnings and how the technology was discovered. The conversation leads to a discussion about how our minds are programmed and how to change your experience of reality by simply changing how you think. They talk about the future of Zygon and what’s in store for the members of the new streaming service.
Episode 1 | The Mission
This first podcast is a welcome to Zygon, for new members and an introduction into Zygon’s beginnings in 1986 along with the mission and each participants role in that mission. What is a ‘Mind Warrior’ and what it means to be one.
Podcast Trailer
This is the podcast trailer for the new series The Mind Warrior Project