Mind Warrior Podcast
Special Report | The Truth About Masks
Studies on the Efficacy of Wearing Masks To Prevent Virus Spread.
The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University summarized six international studies which “showed that masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of influenza in the general population, nor in healthcare workers.”
A study of health-care workers in more than 1,600 hospitals showed that cloth masks only filtered out 3 percent of particles.
Hi Misti,
It’s about CONTOL and not TRUTH and the more a person has been deceived the more they can’t handle the truth because they would have to admit they were not discerning enough to see it.
Surround yourself with people who practice critical thinking and are at least willing to have the curiosity to seek truth. Cut or ignore the others because they truly are energy vampires and stuck in paradigm paralysis.
An enormous amount of money, thought and effort went into creating this “fear paradigm”. Think about why, and realize you are one of the wolves on the hill overlooking the herd of wildebeest’s running toward the cliff for supposed safety.
I beg to differ as the mortality rate is far higher than it was before the pandemic. The virus is real…call it what you will.
Of course the virus is real. So are thousands of others – what is your point? Surely you are not suggesting that masks are effective at “stopping the spread”? If they were effective then why is this virus being spread and the case loads higher in places where masks are mandated? Also note the mortality rate is ONLY higher among the poor souls who got the vaxx, believing the propaganda. Those that did not get vaxxed and have natural immunity (probably for life) have faired way better in every statistic (most of which are being hidden from view in the USA but available in Europe. Unfortunately when this horrendous chapter is finally over and the stench of the lies and death become too much to bear, people will become quite angry about the mass experiment that was conducted on them.
I invite you to listen to the podcast on Paradigms… You may be enlightened by it as your paradigm is showing.
The problem is, the people who’ve been deceived only double down when confronted with truth. It breaks my heart to see, because I have politely yet firmly stood so up for the last two years, and all I have gotten is hostility and anger aimed at me.
I’m exhausted and tired of being treated like I’m the problem, when it’s clear that the problem is our willingness to give up our rights.
We need more of us to stand up. Sadly, I know few who will.