In this report Dane will share with you amazing story about the journey of an insect. The monarch butterfly. The annual migration of North America’s monarch butterfly is a unique and amazing phenomenon. The monarch is the only butterfly known to make a two-way migration as birds do.

How is it possible for them to migrate as far as 3000 miles across North America, and know where to go? And even more bizarre – because it is such a long trip – the individuals that start the journey die of old age along the way, and it’s their children and then their children’s children that continue the trip. 4 generations to complete the migration. And they do this season after season. How do they know how to do that? Do they have some sort of built-in programming and GPS system mapped into their genetic code? And what does the amazing Monarch journey tell us our own human journey?

Mind Warrior Podcast
Mind Warrior Podcast
Special Report | A Monarch's Journey
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2 years ago

Fascinating and thought provoking! Thank you Dane

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