UPDATES | What’s New & What’s Coming
Dane & Rob talk about the updates to the Zygon app and what’s coming as well as getting the most out of it.
Special Report | Path of the Everyday Hero
Does your life seem successful, and yet sometimes you have a feeling that it could be more fulfilling? Or is your life working well for you, except in one specific area? Perhaps you ache inside for a meaningful relationship, or your work responsibilities threaten to destroy your personal life. Are you searching for a pursuit that makes life feel worthwhile?
Dane introduces the idea of creating your path based the journey of the Hero. The Path of the Everyday Hero taps into what Joseph Campbell identified as the “instructive power of myth.” By connecting the classic stories to five of life’s most important challenges, you will glean fresh insights for your own ‘hero’s journey.’ (This is an introduction to the complete course which is posted on the ZYGON Mind Power App.)
Pathways | Pick your Path – Optimze Your Zygon Experience
This Podcast introduces the Pathways Self-Direct Coaching System to get the most out of Zygon mind tools and accelerate your personal transformation
99% of the world is asleep. The 1% that is awake lives a constant state of total amazement. Find out how you can be part of the 1% club, and awaken your mind and life to whole new world of possibilities.
Episode 14 | Rags To Riches
Why are some people able to come back from devastating losses and make fortunes. People who don’t just have a set-back but who go through something that totally wipes them out. Is there something going on with the way certain people think (these rags to riches types) and how they approach life and their problems vs people who just crash and burn. Discover the story of one multi-millionaire who walked through a complete loss of everything and how he recovered from it and went on to create even more success.
SPECIAL REPORT | Mindscripting Secrets
Do our thoughts really help us create the reality we experience? And if that is true, is it possible to hack into that inner mind system and re-wire it — changing our internal programming to make us into a super-star of success, attracting wealth and positive experiences like a magnet? Exactly how do we do that… hack into our mind and re-wire our subconscious autopilot to steer us toward a life of success. The secrets are revealed here.