About The Mind Warrior Project
It’s not what you look at that matters ~ it’s what you see – Thoreau

The Mind Warrior Project celebrates the people and ideas making a difference in the world by presenting their unique life affirming stories. The focus of the project is to better understand our role in the universe and the boundaries of human potential, exploring the power of mind and consciousness. The opening trailer below explains what the podcast series is all about.
What is a ‘Mind Warrior’ ? Most people are unaware of the amazing hidden powers of mind they possess that can allow them to not only create a better life for themselves by accessing those abilities, but the important role they play in the universe by simply becoming more self-aware and sharing their “new mind” with others. We believe the human adventure is just beginning, and that all people have a natural desire and curiosity to improve their life, expand self-awareness and become better versions of themselves. The Mind Warrior Project is about providing guidance and tools for those pilgrim souls on the true path of a human being. We call these pilgrim souls ~ Mind Warriors.
For more insights on the Mind Warrior Project and ZYGON mission please listen to podcast episode #1